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Discover the Benefits of Calamansi


Calamansi is a small citrus fruit about 2-4cm in diameter but regarded for its big & strong acid flavour.  It is esteemed to be the "next big thing" due to its distinct citrus taste which is different from its famous citrus counterparts such as orange; lemon or lime.   Calamansi juice extract is primarily valued for food and beverage applications but the whole fruit has numerous other uses particularly in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals.

Traditional Home Remedy

Calamansi juice often served soothing warm, is known to fight against the common colds and cough.  Moreover, due to its rich source of Vitamin C, a teaspoon of pure calamansi extract daily is believed to promote health and wellness when taken regularly  to boost the immune system. 



Rich Source of Vitamin-C & Minerals

Calamansi is a rich source of Vitamin-C and has the highest amount of minerals namely Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Sodium and Zinc as compared to other citrus counterparts like orange or lemon.

Weight Loss

Calamansi is likewise associated with weight loss as it helps eliminate toxins from the body.  It assists in easier digestion and helps in the elimination of body wastes and constipation. Characterized with a low glycemic index, it aids to depress appetite  as it regulates increase in blood sugar. Calamansi, thereby, decreases risk of obesity, diabetes and heart disease 



Promotes Healthy Eyes and Teeth

Calamansi helps increase body resistance and prevent eye disorder; tooth decay and bleeding gums. Due to its anti-bacterial property, it helps eliminate morning breath and acts as a natural mouthwash



Recent studies has shown that Calamansi contains flavonoids linked to cancer prevention.  It is also indentified for its anti-allergic; anti-oxidant; anti-inflammatory; anti-bacterial and anti-viral effects.


Beauty Enhancer

Calamansi juice extract may be applied as a hair mask or shampoo to hair and on scalp to eliminate itchiness and promote hair growth.   It is also applied to relieve irritation on skin due to insect bites and helps clear up acne.


Bleaching Agent

Calamansi is likewise known for its bleaching properties. It is commonly used as a bleaching detergent in laundry soaps; deodorant to whiten underarms and used in facial soaps to bleach freckles.

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